It's that time -- board meeting tomorrow night. I realize that we've yet to have a board meeting in under 3 hours -- but that's a function of having things to discuss and the desire to have that discussion public. I know that I appreciate your patience as we get up to speed and sort through the changes and reorganization. Here's my short notes on the agenda. I've got a few things that I'll be sharing shortly to keep a look out for:
A first month in office reflection -- it's been a little over a month in office and I have a few revelations that were unexpected to share. My goal is to share this in the next few days.
I'm working on a report to help track the finances a bit better in closer to real time so we can understand where we are. I'm hoping to have this to share next week.
1. Request Approval of Minutes: A. March 9, 2021 Village Board Meeting
B. March 23, 2021 Village Board Meeting
C. April 23, 2021 Village Board Meeting
D. May 25, 2021 Village Board Meeting
E. May 25, 2021 Executive Session
I'll freely admit that I've not had large desire to go back and listen to the final meetings of the previous administration. I've written my reactions and my fact checks previously. However, we do need to approve the minutes of these final meetings -- the problem is that these are as editorialized versions of the meetings as the accusations that my reviews were editorizalized. The difference is that I called out my editorial comments -- these minutes should be factual accounts of what happened. On one hand, I have no desire to belabor the minutes -- let's approve them and move on. On the other hand, Items A-C aren't good descriptions of what happened. I am thinking over how to handle this piece -- is it a big deal? Maybe, if someone doesn't take the time to listen to the audio -- as that tells a very different story.
2. Request Approval of Bill Lists:
Accounts Payable Invoices Dated April 30, 2021 in the Amount of $2,886.68.
Accounts Payable Invoices Dated April 30, 2021 in the Amount of $58,217.39.
Accounts Payable Invoices Dated June 9, 2021 in the Amount of $238,995.24
3. Request Approval of Financial Statements: None
I know with the transition there's concerns over the financial statements, but it would be nice to see where we really are given the number of old invoices located and paid in the past month.
4. Request Approval of a Special Event Permit Application from the Crystal Lake Water Ski Association Requesting Slalom Tournaments on Sunday, July 11, 2021 and Sunday, August 8, 2021 and Barefoot Tournament on Sunday, August 29, 2021 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. with No Wake Hours for all Events.
How good does it feel to see this type of thing on the agenda again? It feels like we are returning to normal again. Best of luck to everyone participating!
5. Items Removed from Consent Agenda - If Any
6. Presentation of Pool Cover Variance Request
I'm planning on requesting some kind of supporting information for every agenda item -- it's hard to prepare without anything to go on. I know this is just a presentation (meaning no vote); but I think we need consider 2 things: 1) group presentations together; 2) share the supporting information in advance.
7. Presentation and Consideration of Ordinance No. 2021-(16) - An Ordinance Approving Budget Amendment No. 1 for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
Refreshing right? A budget amendment -- showing where the money is coming from and where it is going. I'm working on a cheat sheet of the budget to the spending to the amendments that I hope to have available in the next few days -- at least to be able to help us see where we are before we get final numbers in the month end financials.
8. Presentation and Consideration for Appointment of Police Department Prosecutor
When we changed legal firms, the new firm reviewed the old firms bills and realized that our prosecutions (traffic court mostly) was billed at a very low rate -- a rate the new firm could not offer. Our lawyer has found someone who will work within the budget to be at those hearings.
9. Presentation and Consideration of Ordinance No. 2021-(17)-An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7, Section 7.03 of the Village Code Regarding Terms of Office of Planning and Zoning Commissioners
It appears that we needed to update our code to match the state on the length of terms for the P&Z board. What I understand is essentially, we need to get to the point that there's at least a term to be up annually and going forward they need to serve a minimum of 5 years.
As a side note -- please apply for the open P&Z position if you have any interest in serving our village.
10. Presentation of the Crystal Lake Fire Department Status
A. Results for 2020 B. Current Agreement - Per Year Cost/Per Year Incidents
C. Current Agreement Expires
11. Presentation and Consideration Regarding RedTail Logo
There is no secret how I feel about the change in the logo; but beyond my personal feelings about the logo, I'm concerned about the disjointed experience in the marketing. Recently both logos have appeared within a single social media post and that's not looking at the fact that the marketing doesn't match the signage on the street and above the door. Without true brand guidelines, we have an inconsistent messaging and that doesn't show us off in the best light in the marketplace. The goal is to create a single brand image for the golf course -- and one that really speaks highly of this village asset.
12. Other Business
A. Planning and Zoning Vacancy B. Update on Mini-Excavator Insurance Claim
13. Financial Committee Status Update
14. Reports and Comments from Department Heads (To begin No Later than 10:15 P.M.)